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Low Precision Training with Kahan Summation

While training models in low precision (Float16 or BFloat16) usually differs from training in full precision (Float32) or mixed precision, optimi optimizers nearly reach or match the performance of mixed precision when training in BFloat16 by using Kahan summation1.

Training in low precision reduces memory usage and increases training speed relative to mixed precision training.

Using Kahan summation for accurate BFloat16 training is as simple as replacing a PyTorch optimizer with its optimi equivalent and casting the model to BFloat16 instead of using mixed precision.

Tip: Keep a Few Layers in Float32

When training in BFloat16, keep rotary embedding layers in Float32 and consider keeping normalization layers in Float32, as these layers can benefit from full precision. This results in a small memory increase and speed decrease but can help guarantee equivalent results with mixed precision training.

By default, optimi optimizers will automatically use Kahan summation for any layers training in low precision. Set kahan_sum=False to disable.

Mixed Precision

While implementations details can differ, mixed precision works by running a forward pass in low precision, automatically switching to full precision per layer as needed, and then accumulating gradients during the backward pass in Float32. The optimizer step runs in full precision.

The hybrid precision setup of mixed precision enables the faster operations and lower memory usage of low precision while keeping the convergence of full precision.

Kahan Summation

Kahan summation2 is a technique to reduce the numerical error of adding multiple low precision numbers by accumulating errors in a separate compensation buffer. The addition of the compensation buffer extends the effective summation precision by the precision of the compensation buffer.

Using Kahan summation to improve low precision model training was first introduced by Zamirai et al in Revisiting BFloat16 Training. Zamirai et al discovered the primary source of numerical error from low precision training is during the optimizer’s model weight update step. They add Kahan summation to the SGD & AdamW weight update steps to reduce the update’s numerical inaccuracy, increasing low precision training to the equivalent of full precision training across tested models.

Note: Implementation Inspired by TorchDistX

optimi’s Kahan summation implementation was directly inspired by TorchDistX’s AnyPrecisionAdamW optimizer.

Memory Savings

Training in BFloat16 with Kahan summation can reduce non-activation training memory usage by 37.5 to 45.5 percent when using an Adam optimizer, as Table 1 shows below.

optimi reduces the potential extra memory overhead of Kahan summation by reusing the gradient buffer for temporary variables.

Table 1: Adam Per Parameter Memory Usage, Excluding Activations
Buffer Mixed Precision BFloat16 + Kahan Sum BFloat16
BF16 Model Weights 2 bytes (if used) 2 bytes 2 bytes
FP32 Model Weights 4 bytes - -
Gradients 4 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Gradient Accumulation 4 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Momentum 4 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Variance 4 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Kahan Compensation - 2 bytes -
Total 20-22 bytes 12 bytes 10 bytes

Calculating the total memory savings depends on activations and batch size, mixed precision implementation details, and the optimizer used, to name a few variables.

Training Speedup

Training in BFloat16 instead of mixed precision results in a ~10% speedup on a single GPU at the same batch size. BFloat16 training can further increase distributed training speed due to the halved bandwidth cost.


Using Kahan summation with an optimi optimizer only requires a casting a model and optionally input into low precision (BFloat16 or Float16). Since Kahan summation is applied layer by layer, it works for models with standard and low precision weights.

import torch
from torch import nn
from optimi import AdamW

# create or cast some model layers in low precision (bfloat16)
model = nn.Linear(20, 1, dtype=torch.bfloat16)

# initialize any optmi optimizer with low precsion parameters
# Kahan summation is enabled since some model layers are bfloat16
opt = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

# forward and backward, casting input to bfloat16 if needed
loss = model(torch.randn(20, dtype=torch.bfloat16))

# optimizer step automatically uses Kahan summation for low precision layers

To disable Kahan Summation pass kahan_summation=False on optimizer initialiation.


SGD with Kahan summation.

\[ \begin{aligned} &\rule{90mm}{0.4pt}\\ &\hspace{2mm} \textcolor{#009ddb}{\textbf{SGD}} \: \textcolor{#9a3fe4}{\text{with Kahan summation}}\\ &\hspace{5mm} \text{inputs} : \bm{\theta}_0 \: \text{(params)}; \: f(\bm{\theta}) \text{(objective)};\\ &\hspace{17.25mm} \gamma_t \:\text{(learning rate at } t \text{)}; \: \lambda \: \text{(weight decay)}\\ &\hspace{5mm} \text{initialize} : \textcolor{#9a3fe4}{\bm{c}_{0} \leftarrow \bm{0}}\\[-0.5em] &\rule{90mm}{0.4pt}\\ &\hspace{5mm} \textbf{for} \: t=1 \: \textbf{to} \: \ldots \: \textbf{do}\text{:}\\ &\hspace{10mm} \bm{g}_t \leftarrow \nabla_{\theta} f_t(\bm{\theta}_{t-1}) - \lambda\bm{\theta}_{t-1}\\[0.5em] &\hspace{10mm} \textcolor{#009ddb}{\bm{\theta}_t \leftarrow \bm{\theta}_{t-1} - \gamma_t\bm{g}_t}\\[0.3em] &\hspace{10mm} \textcolor{#9a3fe4}{\bm{u} \leftarrow \bm{c}_{t-1} - \gamma_t\bm{g}_t}\\ &\hspace{10mm} \textcolor{#9a3fe4}{\bm{\theta}_t \leftarrow \bm{\theta}_{t-1} + \bm{u}}\\ &\hspace{10mm} \textcolor{#9a3fe4}{\bm{c}_t \leftarrow \bm{u} + (\bm{\theta}_{t-1} - \bm{\theta}_t)}\\[-0.5em] &\rule{90mm}{0.4pt}\\ \end{aligned} \]

This shows the optimi implementation of Kahan summation optimizers, which is equivalent to the Revisiting BFloat16 Training formulation.

  1. Current testing on small models shows little to no degradation in model performance. 

  2. Also known as Kahan–Babuška summation or compensated summation.