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Adam: Adaptive Moment Estimation

Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation) computes per-parameter adaptive learning rates from the first and second gradient moments. Adam combines the advantages of two other optimizers: AdaGrad, which adapts the learning rate to the parameters, and RMSProp, which uses a moving average of squared gradients to set per-parameter learning rates. Adam also introduces bias-corrected estimates of the first and second gradient averages.

Adam was introduced by Diederik Kingma and Jimmy Ba in Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization.


optimi sets the default \(\beta\)s to (0.9, 0.99) and default \(\epsilon\) to 1e-6. These values reflect current best-practices and usually outperform the PyTorch defaults.

If training on large batch sizes or observing training loss spikes, consider reducing \(\beta_2\) between \([0.95, 0.99)\).

optimi’s implementation of Adam combines Adam with both AdamW decouple_wd=True and Adam with fully decoupled weight decay decouple_lr=True. Weight decay will likely need to be reduced when using fully decoupled weight decay as the learning rate will not modify the effective weight decay.


Adam optimizer. Optionally with decoupled weight decay (AdamW).


Name Type Description Default
params Iterable[Tensor] | Iterable[dict]

Iterable of parameters to optimize or dicts defining parameter groups

lr float

Learning rate

betas tuple[float, float]

Coefficients for gradient and squared gradient moving averages (default: (0.9, 0.99))

(0.9, 0.99)
weight_decay float

Weight decay coefficient. If decouple_wd and decouple_lr are False, applies L2 penalty (default: 0)

eps float

Added to denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-6)

decouple_wd bool

Apply decoupled weight decay instead of L2 penalty (default: False)

decouple_lr bool

Apply fully decoupled weight decay instead of L2 penalty (default: False)

max_lr float | None

Maximum scheduled learning rate. Set if lr is not the maximum scheduled learning rate and decouple_lr is True (default: None)

kahan_sum bool | None

Enables Kahan summation for more accurate parameter updates when training in low precision (float16 or bfloat16). If unspecified, automatically applies for low precision parameters (default: None)

foreach bool | None

Enables the foreach implementation. If unspecified, tries to use foreach over for-loop implementation since it is significantly faster (default: None)

gradient_release bool

Fuses optimizer step and zero_grad as part of the parameter's backward pass. Requires model hooks created with register_gradient_release. Incompatible with closure (default: False)



Adam with L2 regularization.

\[ \begin{aligned} &\rule{100mm}{0.4pt}\\ &\hspace{2mm} \textbf{Adam}\\ &\hspace{5mm} \text{inputs} : \bm{\theta}_0 \: \text{(params)}; \: f(\bm{\theta}) \text{(objective)}; \: \gamma_t \:\text{(learning rate at } t \text{)}; \\ &\hspace{17.25mm} \beta_1, \beta_2 \: \text{(betas)}; \: \lambda \: \text{(weight decay)}; \: \epsilon \: \text{(epsilon)}\\ &\hspace{5mm} \text{initialize} : \bm{m}_{0} \leftarrow \bm{0}; \: \bm{v}_{0} \leftarrow \bm{0}\\[-0.5em] &\rule{100mm}{0.4pt}\\ &\hspace{5mm} \textbf{for} \: t=1 \: \textbf{to} \: \ldots \: \textbf{do}\text{:}\\ &\hspace{10mm} \bm{g}_t \leftarrow \nabla_{\theta} f_t(\bm{\theta}_{t-1}) - \lambda\bm{\theta}_{t-1}\\[0.5em] &\hspace{10mm} \bm{m}_t \leftarrow \beta_1 \bm{m}_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_1) \bm{g}_t\\ &\hspace{10mm} \bm{v}_t \leftarrow \beta_2 \bm{v}_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_2) \bm{g}^2_t\\[0.5em] &\hspace{10mm} \hat{\bm{m}}_t \leftarrow \bm{m}_t/(1 - \beta_1^t)\\ &\hspace{10mm} \hat{\bm{v}}_t \leftarrow \bm{v}_t/(1 - \beta_2^t)\\[0.5em] &\hspace{10mm} \bm{\theta}_t \leftarrow \bm{\theta}_{t-1} - \gamma_t \bigl( \hat{\bm{m}}_t / (\sqrt{\hat{\bm{v}}_t} + \epsilon) \bigr)\\[-0.5em] &\rule{100mm}{0.4pt}\\ \end{aligned} \]

optimi’s Adam also supports AdamW’s decoupled weight decay and fully decoupled weight decay, which are not shown.